Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Кръга на живота аз беспирно въртях
Един поглед ме срещна пълен с мъдрост и смях
И препънах се, паднах, учуден поспрях
Ти намигна ми жарко, слисан аз замълчах

После гръм ме удари, всичко замря
Ти прегърна ме топло и ми каза ела
Посред тъмната меса, ведра песен изпя
Изведнъж ми олекна, няма вече тъга

Ти повдигна глава, а очи сведох аз
Ти целуна ме нежно, и сърцето ми спря
И със радост обви ме, и дъхът ми замря
После с обич заля ме, за да пия без страх

Малко вятър бе нужен в тези мои крила
Да живея живот, пълен с теб, с чудеса  
една ласкава дума, един лъч светлина
моя мила лудетина, знам, любов е това

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Make me with love
Love to make me
Love me and make me
Make love to me

Give is love
Love is give
Give in to love
Give me your love

Take me with your love
Love is what it takes
Love me when you take me
Take love to me

Love is to love
Love to love you
To love you is to love me
To love me is to love you

Saturday, June 23, 2012

So much more

Your kind love slowly dissolves me
Strips me down, to my basic parts
I love it when you put me together
Now I am free to fall apart

Your tenderness truly disarms me
Marshmallow under your lips
Crawl me over, top to bottom
Your very substance is raging for me

The magic you make brings my smile
The magic I make blinds you wild
There is no wrong, there is no right
There's only you and me and we are art

I am not me, you are not you
We are at one and we are true
We're so much more, than what we use to be
We're so much more, I know that we can be

Monday, June 18, 2012

Do you wanna hear me

I see souls wrapping around me
I can read their lips
Wandering, gasping for happiness
Asking for tips

I'm silent, I'm falling, I'm white
One minute I'm here, the next one I'm high

Silence! Do you want to hear me
You only care when I'm loud
You can't really see me
I'm not in the crowd

I'm gentle, I'm pure, I'm high
You can catch me.
You can't get a hold of me now

Find me inside you, dig in real deep
Keep on searching, until you're complete
I'm here for you. I'm in your keep
Just look around you, we are designed to meet

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I am

I'm the grass, you're my dew
I'm the flower, you are my hue
I'm the song, you're my blue
I'm the picture, you care to drew

I'm the mountain, you want to travel
I'm the mystery, you want to unravel
I am the king, you are my castle
I am in love, you are my trouble

I'm the reason, you are the why
I'm the time, you wanna buy
I'm the river, you wanna cry

Friday, June 15, 2012

Better Day

Daylight breaches, you're here
Lonely's gone, hope is near
I'm pushing clouds beyond the rain
I'm making rainbows from the pain

Don't be scared, I'm not letting go
I know its poring, but its gonna go
You and me babe, we are together
We can make this day forever

Whisper to the clouds and they will listen
Bring back your smile, let me teach you
Hand in hand, past the valley of fear
I know, we can make it, my dear

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I lift my gaze, upon this day
yet silent in despair
Behold my little giant stands
so mute in vigor flare

I see the sun, upon its way
I thrust my will to dare
Awake me from this dream insane
to cast my scars beyond repair

I raise my hands, my shallow breath
I scream your name so fair
Your destiny is different then
Your path is yet to bare

I wipe the tears, clench my teeth
I hiss my silent prayer
Until my lasting breath
My silent one, you will prevail

Sunday, June 10, 2012


You are so delicious
In ways I can't describe
I am caged, I'm wired
In chains I can't abide

You are so contagious
I cannot put a fight
I dribble in a bird cage
All perky and uptight

You're unforgettable
In ways I much oblige
and I am driven by you
In plays, I can't deny

I listen to you closely
Too happy to decide
To lean upon your story
or dream it on in sight